Stomach Bloating After Eating
3 Ways to Prevent Stomach Bloating After Eating
The problem of stomach bloating after eating can be extremely uncomfortable, not just because of the bloat but also because it tends to lead to tight pants syndrome. There are a few different reasons why people get bloated after they eat, not the least of which is simply eating too much. Gas is another common cause of stomach bloating, as is the woman’s monthly period.
Luckily, there are a few ways to deal with stomach bloating after eating. The first step is to find out what is causing the bloat to begin with. Bloating that comes along with the monthly menstrual cycle can be difficult to prevent, because it does not have as much to do with diet as gas or overeating. Still, there are definite steps that can help prevent all types of bloating.
Preventing Bloating Caused by Overeating
Bloating in the abdominal region is frequently caused by what we eat and drink. The amount of food and beverages we consume can also influence bloating in the body. Common sense tells us that we should not eat too much, and our bodies respond in a negative way when we do. Overeating is one of the most common causes of bloating and discomfort after a meal.
It seems overly simple, but the best way to avoid bloating that is caused by overeating is to refrain from eating too much. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done for many people. Self control can be hard to come by when it comes to our favorite foods, but it is necessary if you want to stop the bloated, over-full feeling that follows a feeding frenzy.
Preventing Bloating Caused by Gas
Most people get gas every now and then, and it can certainly lead to bloating and much discomfort. The most obvious way to avoid gas and its related bloating is to stay away from foods that frequently cause gas. Beans are one of the gassiest foods known to man, and they are not a friend to someone who suffers from chronic gas problems. There are some over-the-counter products that can help eliminate the gas from foods that are particularly gassy. It also helps to eat these foods as part of a balanced diet that includes plenty of water.
Sometimes the discomfort and gas is comes as the result of constipation. If this is the case, try adding some fiber to the diet to get things moving more regularly. Along with eating more fiber-filled foods, be sure and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Water is one of the most vital components to proper digestive health, and it will be needed to help your body process the extra fiber.
Preventing Bloating Caused by Menstruation
The bloating and swelling that comes with the monthly period may seem unavoidable, but there are a few simple changes that can help make this problem a bit easier to live with.
> Here again, water can help tremendously. If we do not drink enough water, our body will begin to hold onto whatever water it can get hold of. This leads to swelling and bloating. Water helps to keeps everything in balance.
> Regular exercise, especially during menstruation – can help keep the body in balance as well. Many women report that exercise virtually eliminates all forms of cramping and swelling that usually come with the monthly package. It does not have to be anything strenuous, either. A 30-minute walk every day will do the trick nicely.