Bloated Belly

How Women Can Prevent a Bloated Belly

Any woman who has experienced the discomfort of a bloated belly knows that it can be both inconvenient and uncomfortable. It stinks when you’re favorite jeans don’t fit for a few days every month. There are a number of different reasons for belly bloating. Many women experience bloating around the time of their period every month. For others, the problem is gas and it can happen frequently or just every once in awhile. A bloated belly can even be a signal that something more serious is going on in the abdominal area.

The first step to curing or preventing a bloated belly is to figure out what is causing the problem to begin with. Finding the cause can be fairly simple, especially if the bloating comes along with the monthly period. If the bloating only happens occasionally, then it may be caused by dietary issues. What we eat and drink can have a major impact on abdominal bloating.

In cases where swelling of the abdomen is a more chronic problem, it may be necessary to seek medical advice, just in case the situation is something more serious than gas or menstruation. Swelling of the abdomen can be a symptom of certain types of cancer, such as uterine cancer or cancer of the stomach. Even if it does not seem to be anything life-threatening, it is always better to be cautious and get medical assistance whenever the situation persists.

Preventing Belly Bloat During Menstruation

The most common reason for a bloated belly is probably related to your menstrual cycle. At some point, almost every woman has felt bloated and gross during their period. Surprisingly, there are a few solutions to help with the problem of bloating during menstruation.

> Drink lots of water. Bloating can often be a symptom of mild dehydration which leads to water retention. Keep up your water intake – at least 8 glasses every day – and this problem can be completely avoided during your period and beyond.

> Exercise. It has long been known that exercise can help with all kinds of menstrual discomfort, including bloating and cramps. It does not have to be anything extreme. Simply taking a 30 or 40-minute walk every day will be more than enough to deal with that swollen belly and alleviate the discomfort it causes.

Stop Belly Swelling From Dietary Issues

There are a couple diet issues that can lead to distention in the abdomen, the most common of which is gas. Constipation can also be the culprit, along with simply overeating. When we eat too much, our stomach will have a tendency to begin to bulge. No surprise there. There is one simple way to prevent belly bulge from over eating, and that is just don’t over eat!

> Bloating caused by gas can be a bit more difficult to deal with, although watching what you eat can help eliminate problems with gas. Certain foods tend to lead to excess gas – hello beans – so avoiding those foods can eliminate that gassy bloating. There are a number of over-the-counter anti-gas medicines that can be helpful in this area as well.

> Constipation will undoubtedly lead to bloating in the belly, and the best way to prevent this is to boost your fiber intake. Fiber helps keep you regular. Drinking your water every day can also help lower the chances for constipation.

> Exercise – even that quick walk around the block – can help alleviate both gas and constipation, so get up on your feet if you want to beat that bloat.