Scar Tissue Symptoms
Facts about Scar Tissue Symptoms
The healing process of the body involves the creation of adhesions and scar tissue; symptoms of pain and possibly dysfunction, however, can indicate that too much of a good thing has occurred within the body and may require further medical attention.
Scar tissue is developed anytime the body has been physically injured. This can include injuries sustained in an accident or through planned surgeries. The purpose in the thick, dense tissue is a connective one; knitting elements together within the body as it heals. The new tissue that is formed for the healing process is less effective in some cases than the tissue it replaces was. Scar tissue tends to be resistant to ultraviolet rays, inhibiting tanning for example; in addition, scar tissue does not allow an environment for sweat glands or hair follicles. Usually, the process of forming scar tissue occurs normally and naturally with no adverse effects. From time to time, however, the formation of tissue replacement goes into overdrive; producing too much scar tissue. Symptoms will be felt over time that includes pain, with the individual fully unaware of what might be causing the discomfort they feel.
The composition of scar tissue is unlike that of the tissue it is replacing. Scar tissue, or fibrosis, is thicker, less flexible and tends to restrict the natural movement of the area undergoing healing. It can affect nerves, blood flow and possibly even affect the normal functioning of other organs when it gets out of hand. When the formation of the tissue occurs in the normal manner, over time the area affected can return to near normal function, sometimes with the help of therapy and exercises. When too much of the scar tissue is formed, however, other methods may be necessary to help the individual regain their mobility or functions.
Scar tissue symptoms that could be experienced are pain, numbness, limited range of muscle movement, muscle atrophy and distorted sensations on and around the scarred area. It is when these symptoms become chronic that more attention must be paid to the wounded areas. Methods of treating the scar tissue will vary, depending on the type and extensiveness of the scarring as well as where the scar tissue is located. Scars that appear on the skin surface can often be treated through cosmetic surgery; evening out ridges or rough patches. There are topical applications that can be prescribed that lessen sensations and appearances of them, as well. Internal scar tissue and adhesions are often treated with surgery when they are deemed to threaten complications. Laparoscopies or laparotomies are both typical solutions for the disorder. However, in many cases surgery can serve to compound the problem, as the act of surgery will result in additional scar tissue formation.
The cause of the formation of these adhesions is not restricted to surgeries and catastrophic accidents. Even conditions as common as child birth can have resulting scar tissue with pelvic scar adhesions having the possibly of affecting fertility. PID, or pelvic inflammatory disease, can lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes and their lining, which could be a cause for ectopic pregnancy. Medical conditions such as infections around the heart and rheumatic fever can lead to scarring, as well. These tissues can affect the efficiency of the operation of the heart.
Being treated for scar tissue will be a matter of discussion between the individual and their doctor. Surgery may not be the best course of action in some cases, yet may prove to be a godsend in others. The type of treatment will depend on a variety of factors, so it is important to discuss with your doctor how this type of condition will best be treated in your specific case.