Nausea After Eating
A Helpful Guide to Nausea After Eating
Have you ever experienced nausea after eating? You know, that queasy, sickly feeling that comes right after you finish a meal or eat a snack? If so, then you may not have known what causes it, or what you can do to alleviate its uncomfortable symptoms. Being nauseous after eating is one of those things that, by itself, is just annoying but not particularly dangerous. But, as will be shown in this article, it can be a harbinger of something that may require medical attention. This helpful guide to this condition will educate you on diagnosing and treating this malady.
Nausea after eating really is just what it sounds like: feelings of sickness and queasiness after eating food. It does not have to lead to vomiting, though; not all feelings of nausea make you throw up. It is unpleasant, though, and can wreck a good meal. These feelings often are accompanied by light-headedness, dizziness, and a generally bad disposition, and can even make you weak and clammy. Normally people get this condition right after eating; some people after eating a snack, others only after consuming a full meal. But the key characteristic is that it arises after you finish eating something, and not from exercise, illness, pregnancy, or other injuries.
There are many possible causes of nausea after eating, and not all of them are particularly serious. Perhaps the most common cause is overeating. If you consume more food than your body can handle, you can feel bloated and sick. This is especially true for heavy, spicy foods, such as Mexican cuisine.
The more you eat, the more nauseous you will feel, so it is advised to keep your food intake to a reasonable level per meal. Another common cause is gastroenteritis – also known as the stomach flu. If you have this condition (which is an inflammation of your digestive system and stomach lining), then eating food will more than likely make you feel queasy and ill.
More serious conditions include gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as heartburn, pancreatic disease, and viral gastroparesis (an illness similar to the flu caused by viral infections). The best way to know for sure what is causing your nausea after eating is to see a doctor. He or she will perform an endoscopy on you, which allows an examination of your stomach and intestine to check for whatever is causing your affliction. Nauseous feelings after eating generally do not occur alone; if they are present, then that is a sign that something is causing them to happen. Be wary of excessive nausea that happens after you eat, drink, or exert yourself; this can be a sign of pneumonia, which absolutely requires a doctor's attention.
If you have nausea after eating, there are a few treatment options that may ease your suffering. The first is to watch what you eat and how much you eat. It helps tremendously to drink lots of liquids, particularly cold ones that do not have a lot of caffeine or other agitators. Dehydration will only make your nausea worse; if you are well hydrated, then your symptoms will be significantly lessened. It may also help to take your favorite over-the-counter medications for nausea, as they can reduce the queasiness and dizziness that often results. For more advanced cases, or cases that remain chronic, consult a physician.
In short, if you have experienced or do experience nausea after eating, it is important to recognize its symptoms, causes, and possible treatments. If another condition is causing these symptoms, then you should see a doctor to get treated for it. Being nauseous after a meal is annoying, irritating, and unhealthy, so it is important that you change what you can and seek attention for this condition in order to have a more relaxing and stress-free life.