Metabolic Testing
Advantages of Metabolic Testing
Metabolic testing is often used as a weight loss aid because it determines how many calories a person burns while resting. The resting metabolic rate (RMR) indicates the maximum amount of burnt calories without being involved in any exercise. This allows people to calculate their daily calorie intake which should be lower than their RMR. That way, weight loss is guaranteed even without regular exercise. While many diets promise success, they only work for a certain number of people because we are all different, not only in appearance but also in metabolism. Thus, some diets may work for others, but they may not work for you. Metabolic testing is in fact not a diet as such, but as the name indicates it is a great method to test your individual metabolism and provides an overall body type analysis. It helps to create a diet that is individually tailored and guarantees a healthier lifestyle and fitter body.
What Are Concrete Advantages of Metabolic Testing?
Firstly, it is always good to know how your body functions and what it needs – there is no harm in testing and knowing. It helps to prevent disease and gives a guideline of what is healthy for your particular body. In fact, a diet that lacks nutrition and is simply unhealthy is the number one cause of cancer! Thus, a tailored diet plan is ideal to ensure that your body is on track and gets all the things it needs without relying on general assumptions published in magazines and on websites. For instance, some people may genetically lack an important vitamin or iron; therefore their tailored diet must support and add what is naturally missing. It is also great for a healthy weight loss plan where all the things your body needs are included, while your daily intake is lower than your daily RMR.
Although a healthy diet can never guarantee everlasting health, it can aid to prevent severe outbreaks or life threatening conditions.
How Does Metabolic Testing Work?
Our bodies are very different from one another, ranging from the size of organs to muscle structure and blood count. Metabolic testing is primarily concerned with the autonomic nervous system, gland system, metabolism and burning capacity (of calories and fat). These systems and mechanisms are all related according to Dr. Kelly who conducted a research in the 1970’s. The performance of each of these can be crucial especially for people who use metabolic testing as part of their weight loss plan. While your thyroid may be working well, another important gland may not be performing the way it could. Some patients for instance experience increased weight through the intake of dairy products which can be result of a malfunction that can be detected in a simple test. Once these things are clear and known, the person can then create a diet plan involving less diary which can be replaces by other foods that contain the same essential nutrition.
What Does the Actual Test Involve?
Metabolic testing is suitable for everyone regardless of age or health condition. The actual test may take up to 2 hours and determines your individual metabolism quality, the performance of your gland system and a BIA measurement which basically means your overall body type. These results will be able to tell you your individually tailored recommended intake of fat, protein and carbohydrates. After the test you will be able to speak with an adviser who will give you a list of foods that are ideal for you, and foods that are best avoided as your body may show a negative reaction to them. You may also get a starter-pack with recipes for all meals of the day and snack ideas as well as a weekly plan just for you. About 6-8 weeks later, you usually undergo another (inclusive) test to determine whether your new diet has improved your health.
Important Things to Consider Before Taking the Test
It is important to follow certain guidelines prior to your test to ensure an accurate test result. One hour before taking the test, you must avoid caffeine and tea as well as cigarettes, alcohol and sweets. Very important is also the right state of mind – it is no secret that our health and body is strongly influenced by our psyche. Hence, if you feel sick, worried or simply unwell, it is best to reschedule the appointment. While the actual test is a procedure of about 20 minutes, it is important to allow 2 hours altogether as you certainly want to discuss your results and future actions in a relaxed atmosphere.
While you may not choose metabolic testing as your ideal diet because you found something else that works well for you, it is never a disadvantage to learn more about your body and there is no harm in trying and being informed.