Magnesium Facts
All About Magnesium Facts
There are a wide variety of magnesium facts that most people are unaware of but may be used to increase their knowledge in this subject. Most people are familiar with the very basics, such as the atomic number; however, not many people are experts in magnesium. Throughout this article we will explore all the magnesium facts you will need to know for everyday living, while possibly learning facts that are highly entertaining.
The first set of facts revolves around the scientific makeup of the element. Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal and is number twelve on the period table, which is its atomic number. Going by the symbol “Mg,” this element has an atomic weight of approximately twenty-four. Magnesium melts around 650 degrees Celsius and boils at 1090 degrees Celsius. Believe it or not, this metal is very light, weighing scientifically less than the light element aluminum. Despite the lightness, the element is pretty tough. In terms of color, magnesium appears to be a mixture of white and silver. This element produces a very bright flame when burned.
The second set of facts delves into the practical uses of magnesium. Although the first use is not particularly useful to you in your everyday lives, it is essential to note that magnesium is used frequently in those dealing with aerospace. This element is frequently mixed with other metals due to its light weight, making the other metals easier to weld when needed. Magnesium is used in pyrotechnics, bombs that set things on fire, and even for alloys. However, the most common use that is easy to understand and grasp is the use of magnesium in flash photography. Even if it is hard to understand some of the highly technical uses, welding and photography tends to make the use of magnesium in everyday life easier to see and comprehend. Furthermore, this element also has its uses in the medical field when in the form of magnesium hydroxide.
The third set of facts is a random mix that focuses primarily on the history of the element. The term “magnesium” actually originated from the district Magnesia in Greece. Furthermore, this element is extremely abundant, ranking number eight within the crust of the earth. However, the magnesium that is obtained from the crust of the earth is not found in its elemental form. This element was first found in the mid 1700s by a man named Joseph Black and isolated by two others in the early 1800s.
The fourth set of magnesium facts revolves around a use in magnesium that we can all relate to. Believe it or not, Magnesium is actually used by the human body for bone strength, metabolism, a strong immune system, contractions of muscles, and proper nervous system operations. Other uses for this element throughout the body include blood pressure, circulation, and heart functions. The best way to obtain magnesium within your diet is by consuming meats, vegetables that are green, bananas, certain beans, whole grains, peanut butter, potatoes, and a lot more commonly consumed foods.
As you can see by examining the magnesium facts discussed above, this element is not only incredibly abundant but proves to be extremely useful for a variety of purposes. Although it may be hard to conceive of the everyday use of this element in certain fields such as aerospace, it proves to be essential for proper bodily functions. The element helps regular everything from a person’s metabolism to blood pressure and circulation. In conclusion, the element magnesium is essential in our environments and proves to be beneficial for everything from plant nutrition and creating bombs to regulating aspects of our body.