Herbs For Gout

The Benefits of Herbs for Gout

Gout is often linked with arthritis because of its ability to affect the joints in much the same manner (pain, swelling, stiffness) and in like manner herbs for gout-such as Bromelain (found in pineapple), a mixture of the extracts from cherry, Vitamin C-rich juices and nettle, teas of herbs like cat's claw, devil's claw, or olives leaves, are many of the ones used for such other inflammatory/toxic conditions. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood rather than the accumulation of calcium deposits as in its counterparts, though both share the same symptoms of pain, redness, swelling and heat.

Uric acid is actually a chemical by-product (waste) of digestion. When foods containing purine are eaten, the body produces uric acid in the process of breaking it down. Purines are nucleotide (a structural unit of nucleic acids) bases found in cells-both plant and animal. Along with other compounds, purines are important parts making up genetic materials and DNA/RNA. Even though uric acid can act as an antioxidant-with the same scavenging effects on free-radicals, when high levels of it accumulate in the blood it can cause, not only gout but other health problems, as well.

It has been estimated that 10-20% of the American population has high uric acid levels with about three people in 1,000 experiencing gout, and 95% of these are men over 30.

It is not clear why the numbers are such but there are several ways those afflicted can help themselves-including herbs for gout. Once thought to be a rich man disease because of their access to fine food we know now that this disorder affects both the rich and poor.

The use of herbs for gout is nothing new. The Chinese have many formula/remedies and there are a number of homeopathy remedies including arnica for pain, belladonna for sudden symptoms of heat, swelling and throbbing sensations, bryonia for swollen joints that are hot to the touch, colchicum for excruciating pain and rhus tox. for heat, stiffness, swelling and/or pain.

Devil's claw is a commonly used herb for gout in many remedies for because of its natural cleansing properties that are able to eliminate toxins from the blood. It is taken, either as a tea or in extract form. Other uric acid neutralizers are saffron, a nettle/yarrow tea and strawberries or cherries (high in the enzyme anthocyanins)-whole fruit or in juice form.

Isoflavonoids flush the system of uric acids. These herbs for gout include hawthorn, red clover, blueberries, bilberry, and quercetin used in conjunction with bromelain. Flaxseed oil has also been found to be beneficial when taken every morning, as well as garlic cloves and celery seed.

Cat’s claw is another often used anti-inflammatory herb for gout. It is also an antioxidant used to support the immune system and promote kidney health. This is important because the same uric acid build-up causing gout causes kidney stones, too. Both can be used as an extract, in teas or taken in capsule form. Ground ginger can be added to your bath water for those suffering from painful swelling. It causes you to sweat the uric acid out.

As well as herbs for gout there are other things you can do to help, not only during, but as a preventative measure against joint conditions. These include drinking plenty of pure water to help continually flush the system. If you are overweight make every effort to get weight down by watching what you eat and through some sort of exercise.

Eliminate refined carbohydrates and fats from the diet, as well as avoiding excessive amounts of protein, and as many as the foods high in purines-organ meats, anchovies and other oily fishes, legumes, grains like oats and excessive wheat products, and vegetables like spinach, asparagus, peas, cauliflower, and mushrooms.