Halitosis Cure
Finding an Effective Halitosis Cure
If you are a sufferer of chronic bad breath, you are probably searching for a halitosis cure. Halitosis is an embarrassing disorder that affects many people, and it is usually not considered a medical disorder unless it is long term problem. However, suffers of halitosis shouldn’t simply try to mask the problem, but should seek medical help to correct the underlying problem. Chronic bad breath usually has one of three origins: the mouth, the respiratory system, or the digestive system. The various cures for chronic halitosis target these specific systems.
Oral Causes of Halitosis
The structures of the mouth, including teeth, tongue, gums, cheeks and palate, are the most common causes of bad breath. Usually the culprits are the bacteria that live in the mouth. These bacteria can produce sulfur, which creates a foul odor on the breath. Bad breath in the morning is caused by the mouth drying out during sleep and dead cells accumulating in the mouth. Some medications that cause a dry mouth can also contribute to halitosis. Eating foods with a strong odor, smoking, and improper dental hygiene are some of the leading causes of halitosis, and can be easy to cure. Other causes like a tooth abscess or dental diseases like gingivitis may need a medical professional’s help to cure.
Oral Halitosis Cures
Before you try any home remedies as a halitosis cure, consult with a dentist to make sure you don’t have a serious dental condition like a tooth abscess or gum disease. Once you have ruled these out, you should also make sure you practice good dental hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day. There are several ways to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth that may contribute to halitosis. You can brush with baking soda and rinse with hydrogen peroxide, but never swallow it. You can also gargle with salt water or an antibacterial mouthwash. Fenugreek is an herb that can also be an effective halitosis cure if drank as tea. Simmer a teaspoon of the seeds in two cups of water for fifteen minutes, and then drink. Peppermint tea can also be effective if you drink it after eating smelly foods like onions or garlic.
Respiratory Causes
The throat, nasal passages and lungs can also be involved in chronic halitosis. Infections in the sinuses, throat or lungs can cause bad breath. If there is severely infected or dying tissue in the respiratory system, it can contribute to halitosis as well. Metabolic conditions such as liver failure or diabetes can also cause halitosis because the body chemistry changes, causing certain odors in the breath.
Respiratory Halitosis Cures
Curing halitosis caused by respiratory ailments should involve a medical professional who will diagnose the underlying problem and help you find effective treatments. If you have halitosis caused by an upper respiratory infection, however, there are things you can do. Frequent gargling can help clear bacteria from the throat and nasal passages. Antibacterial gargles you can make at home include salt water and hydrogen peroxide. Vapor medications that treat congestion can also help with halitosis caused by a respiratory infection. Simmer herbs like mint, eucalyptus or fenugreek in a pot over the stove. Turn off the stove, and then place a towel over your head and the pot. Breathe in the steam to ease congestion and combat bacteria in the respiratory system.
Digestive Causes
You may think that digestive problems would be the main cause of halitosis, but they are actually very rare. While the foods we eat can contribute to bad breath, it is usually from the mouth, not the stomach. Gasses released during digestion usually do not escape through the mouth unless we belch or have a problem with the valve between the stomach and the esophagus.
Digestive Halitosis Cures
There are many foods that can contribute to gastrointestinal disorders and the halitosis that can result from them. Avoid eating refined carbohydrates, as these can contribute to tooth decay and cause bad breath. You can also eat avocado to inhibit decomposition in the intestines that can contribute to halitosis.