Facts About Iron
3 Essential Facts About Iron
There are multiple facts about iron that everyone should know. Not only is iron a significant part of our diet as humans, but this element is extremely beneficial for animals and plants as well. This element was first discovered during the prehistoric period and has its place on the periodic table, as with all other known elements. Throughout this article we will examine three essential facts about iron that are sure to be educational and entertaining.
Iron Fact #1: Scientific Specifics
Iron is known by the symbol Fe and has an atomic number of twenty-six. It falls into the transition metal category and is within groups three through twelve. This element is quick to rust in moist environments and is one of the most used metals in the world. There are at least fourteen isotopes of iron with four making up the most common iron. Iron, like most elements, can melt and boil at designated points.
Iron Fact #2: Benefits to Humans
Iron is extremely beneficial to humans. Within the human body, iron actually transports oxygen throughout. A large majority of iron within the body can be found in hemoglobin (red blood cell protein), which explains the transmission of oxygen throughout your body. However, it can also be found in myoglobin, which assists in carrying oxygen to your muscles. Believe it or not, this oxygen is generally stored and accessed by your body when needed. The amount of iron within your body is maintained by the foods you consume and your body’s proper storing of the iron needed for the present and future.
Iron Fact #3: Foods with Iron
Since iron is essential for the spread of oxygen as well as metabolism within a person’s body, it is essential to understand which foods contain this popular element. One can obtain iron from fish, beef, pork, lamb and poultry. Some grain, cereal, oatmeal, and even flour are now made with iron for your dietary needs. Other foods that are high in iron include asparagus, grits, broccoli, pasta, greens (collard and turnip), cabbage, rice, tofu, and spinach. Anyone known to have an iron deficiency will more than likely be instructed to have a diet high in iron to make up for this deficiency.
Along with these facts about iron, children and adults with a lack of the iron that is needed are generally diagnosed with the condition known as anemia. Anyone suspecting they are anemic will generally exhibit signs and symptoms such as lack of energy, lack of concentration, inability to sleep properly, and dizziness. Children with a lack of iron may also have other issues that tend to result in inability to learn as quickly as other children with a possibility of exhibiting behavioral issues. Furthermore, iron is essential for a healthy immune system. Women who are pregnant are definitely in need of more iron than a typical person. Therefore, it is essential to get a regular checkup to make sure your iron levels are where they should be in order to prevent these issues in children and adults alike.
In conclusion, the facts about iron listed above are essential to anyone wishing to remain healthy with a diet that helps maintain the levels of iron within their blood. This iron is required for proper flow of oxygen, metabolism, and a healthy immune system. Anyone suspecting their iron levels are low due to the symptoms described above should seek medical assistance. The best way to keep a check on your iron levels is by having a thorough annual exam. All in all, as shown by these facts about iron, iron is a frequently used element that plays an important role in our everyday lives.