Examples Of Depressants
In a world filled with stress and anxiety as well as pain and discomfort, people will often research examples of depressants. Seeking to find a medium that will provide the escape they need from daily pressure, they only need a temporary measure to get them through a difficult time. Sadly, for some, the cure often becomes larger than the initial problem and the individual can become addicted.
Given the name “depressants”, one would have to wonder why anyone would choose to take them. Despite their melancholy sound, drugs that fit the pattern of depressants actually can serve a good purpose when used in the manner for which they are designed. They can be consumed, smoked, inhaled or swallowed. They are substances that disrupt the normal process of the central nervous system, and are classified as sedative-hypnotics. Using them has the effect of lowering blood pressure, slowing breathing, causing fatigue and confusion and impairing judgment. The user will feel relaxed; a sensation they may have craved to feel during stressful moments and therefore is equated to pleasure. The next time they encounter a stressful moment, they will remember the relaxing sensation and want to repeat it. Before long, they rely upon the depressant to avoid experiencing stress from the onset.
People who experience chronic pain are also prone to seek depressants. This type of drug causes drowsiness, and may help them to get much needed rest despite the pain they feel. Unfortunately, prolonged use of the drug will serve to produce the opposite effect over time; denying them the very sleep they began taking it for in the beginning. The effects of depressants and the length of them will vary from person to person. Two different individuals drinking the same amount of the exact same libation can react totally opposite as the drug begins to take effect. One may become aggressive and overbearing while the other becomes drowsy and simply wants to sleep. The same is true with all depressants.
Examples of depressants may be surprising to some. Alcohol, such as beer, wine and spirits, are considered to be depressants, even though it is deemed to be perfectly acceptable for social or casual drinking of them to take place in either public or private arenas. Being an alcoholic is considered to be a physical disorder, as most people are thought to be predisposed to acquire a reliance on the alcohol.
Marijuana is another depressant that is commonly recognized. There are many individuals who argue the fact that marijuana can be habit forming, yet statistics cannot be denied. Anxiety, panic, hallucinations, loss of time and other disturbing effects are documented with users of the drug. These may not be felt the first time marijuana is used; leading many to feel that it is a harmless past time. By the time the adverse effects are felt, the user can be so addicted the symptoms are not recognized.
Prescription medications also harbor several examples of depressants. Termed barbiturates, they are often prescribed to ease the conditions of insomnia and anxiety. When used in medical purposes, the drugs are tightly controlled; given in specific amounts for specific periods of time to avoid addiction. The effects these short acting drugs have on the nervous system are generally felt within 30 minutes of ingesting, and can last for hours. Also used to induce sleep and relieve anxiety are benzodiazepines. In high concentration, these can become hypnotic drugs, while low doses produce a sedative effect.
Depressants are dangerous substances. Socially acceptable alcohol to prescription medications, all depressants carry a strong likelihood of developing addictions within the individuals who take them. Keeping their use at a strict minimum will help to keep a handle on reality.