Dhobie Itch

A Few Facts About Dhobie Itch

The medical term for dhobie itch is tinea cruris, but it is more commonly known as jock itch or the less delicate crotch itch. Dhobie itch is caused by a fungus and generally affects the area around the groin. The reason it earned the nickname jock itch is because many athletes suffer with the condition thanks to the combination of heat, sweat and tight clothing. All of those conditions help the fungus that causes the problem, called dermatophytes, to thrive.

This is a very common infection, but it is best to treat the problem as soon as you notice it. Failing to do so can allow the infection to spread. Sometimes it spreads to the anus, which can cause great discomfort. Another reason that it is very important to treat dhobie itch is that it is rather contagious.

The fungus that causes the problem can be passed to others in a number of ways. For example, bacteria can be left behind on shower floors or can be passed along to someone who touches you or handles your dirty clothes.

While anyone can get dhobie itch, some people are more vulnerable than others. People who take certain antibiotics, suffer from diabetes or have any type of autoimmune disease are at higher risk for the condition. Also, those that tend to wear tight clothing also increase their risk of getting this infection.

If you suspect that you may have dhobie itch, here are some things to look for in addition to itching and redness around your groin. Look for flaking or peeling skin, skin that is darker or lighter than normal and the presence of other skin infections. These are all symptoms of dhobie itch.

To treat dhobie itch you have two options. The first is to try to treat it yourself using over the counter antifungal creams. If the infection seems very mild, this is a good place to start. However, if you do not see any improvement within a few days, you should head to the doctor rather than allowing the infection to continue and, possibly, spread.

If you do require something stronger than what can be purchased over the counter, the doctor will likely offer prescription cream, pills or both. Whether using prescription or over the counter medications, it is very important to keep the affected area clean and dry. Use only clean towels (in other words do not use the same towel for more than one shower) and wear loose fitting clothing.


Unfortunately, for some men this becomes a recurring problem. You will definitely want to talk to your doctor if the infection seems to get better and then comes back again. If you go to a gym, it could be that you are picking up the bacteria from the workout equipment or public showers. Those are things to keep in mind if you have a recurring problem with dhobie itch.

Dhobie itch is an annoying and very uncomfortable infection. The good news is that it is usually fairly easy to treat and, with a little extra caution, you can often prevent the infection in the first place.