Constipated Puppy
Dog Health 101: How to Cure a Constipated Puppy
Puppies are truly adorable little creatures, but it can be very worrying if you have a constipated puppy that feels unwell.
While constipation is very rare among dogs, it is not an unusual condition in puppies or generally smaller types of dog. The causes are many and different, and this article will not only deal with the things that can trigger a constipation, but also a few solutions and ways to prevent your loved one to get ill.
Constipation is certainly a condition that humans are familiar with, and it is often the cause of an unhealthy diet. Believe it or not, dogs also need to take care of their digestive system. Very important in the prevention of constipation is fibre, and dog owners must be aware of what foods they are giving to their beloved puppies, and whether it contains enough healthy nutrition. If you are taking care of a constipated puppy you may want to ask your vet for recommendations as there is prescription food available.
Water is also essential and it is crucial that your pup has access to it at all times and knows where to find it. Without sufficient fluids, puppies are more likely to experience constipation.
Exercise is useful in the prevention but also in the curing process. Playing outdoors, walking, jumping and running support the digestive system and ensure a healthy bowel movement. Puppies who are in the process of being potty trained may have difficulties releasing their urges right away and may need a longer walk. They are in the process of understanding that the outdoors is ‘the potty’ and they may need a few weeks to get used to it.
Fur and hair are also often the cause because dogs lick themselves and may swallow large amounts of hair that can result in constipation. Sometimes the hair around the anus area gets too thick or clotted so that a simple trim can release and soothe constipation.
Puppies are absolutely adorable, but they certainly get their fair share of trouble. A constipated puppy may have swallowed something that was lying around which is now obstructing the digestive system. In these cases the owner must seek the veteran as the clumsy pup may need surgery.
Constipation can also be a medical side effect which is caused by any medication the dog is taking for a different condition. Again, a vet will be able to prescribe an alternative to prevent future constipations.
But what symptoms does a constipated puppy show? You may find that your dog has difficulties doing his business although he is clearly making an effort. Pain is not always visible, but if you detect signs of discomfort while your puppy is using the potty it may be constipated. There are some home remedies that you can try to soothe constipation, such as pumpkin puree which can help. Cow’s milk can normally not be digested well as it causes diarrhoea, but it can aid to ‘liquefy’ the food and make it easier to digest- only if your puppy suffers from constipation though. If the everyday diet is low in bran and fibre, you may want to try adding some extra or you may want to try adding some oil to the food which makes everything ‘slip’ a little easier. Alternatively you may want to try constipation medicine which a vet can prescribe to your pup.
Constipation is usually not anything to worry about unless your pup has swallowed something seriously dangerous. To ensure that the little one is safe during your absence you may want to keep him in a crate. That way it is restricted and can only eat/play with things that you decide to put in the crate. However, this is only a temporary solution and a little puppy cannot be kept in there for long periods of time. Thus, it is best to train your pup early on and teach him that nibbling on things around the house is against the rules.