Candida Die Off Symptoms
Causes And Treatment of Candida Die Off Symptoms
Treating the symptoms of a Candida or yeast infection can create a new set of problems, as Candida die off symptoms may begin to surface. When our body suffers from an excess or overload of the Candida fungus, a regimen of treatment is usually required once the symptoms become too severe. We can get this yeast overload in many different parts of the body, but the most likely places the yeast population will multiply out of control are the mouth, the colon, and the vagina.
The Candida fungus is nearly always present in our body, but our immune system and other body functions normally keep the population of this fungus under control. Candida can gain the upper hand at times if the immune system has been weakened, good hygiene is not being practiced, or you come into close contact with another person who has the infection. The obvious solution to a Candida outbreak is to find some way to kill it off. Dietary changes may do the trick, but if the infection is severe or entrenched, anti- fungal medication or treatments may be in order.
What Causes The Die Off Symptoms? - Treatments are usually successful, and therein lies the heart of the problem, as Candida die off symptoms begin to surface. When you kill a fungus, it just doesn't disappear. Like any previously living organism, when it dies it begins to decompose. In the process of dying, and after it has does, the fungus will release toxins into its immediate surroundings. If a large mass of fungi suddenly are killed by an anti-fungal medication, the body may experience a toxic overload. These Candida die off symptoms can be mild or severe, and some of the symptoms can be quite unpleasant. While some individuals go through the process of Candida die off feeling little or no discomfort, for others it is a “no pain no gain” scenario. Suddenly one goes from being sick to becoming even sicker. There is a silver lining. Depending upon the symptoms being experienced, the bad things that seem to be happening actually indicate that the overall situation is getting better.
Regulate The Pace Of Treatment - One does not necessarily have to go through the worst symptoms while under treatment. The natural inclination is to kill off all the fungus at once and quickly. This can be the worst approach and if you find yourself in this situation you may need to regulate medication or dietary changes to lessen the rate at which the Candida fungus is dying off. In addition to the combination of diet selection and anti-fungal medication, if might be necessary to add a detoxifying agent to the mix. This is simply a medication that lessens or prevents the release of toxins as the candid dies off. One needs to monitor one's own body and regulate treatment accordingly depending upon what the body is saying. Treatment may even become a stop-start-stop-start process.
Candida Die Off Symptoms - There are quite a number of Candida die off symptoms that might be experienced, and it's not uncommon for an individual to experience several. A person experiencing the die off may become easily irritated, worried, or anxious, and perhaps even depressed. The toxins from the die off may be causing inflammation, resulting in itching, muscle pain or soreness, and possibly even a fever. If the infection has been located in the colon, gastro-intestinal distress in several forms may be present. And since part of the treatment often consists of a reduction in the intake of carbohydrates, which of course produce sugars which feed the yeast, a craving for sweets is one of the common Candida die off symptoms.
Candida die off is one of those medical situations in which the bad guys, the Candida fungi, exact a certain amount of revenge as you set about killing them off. Perhaps you will be fortunate enough to only experience mild symptoms. But mild or not, the symptoms indicate that on the whole, good things are happening, and that you're getting better with each passing day.